– By making a donation to the SOS Children's Village Foundation in your will, you can do good beyond your lifetime and give disadvantaged children a better future. More
– Class 1d of the Liechtenstein Grammar School offered home-baked cookies in Vaduz in return for a donation and supported the SOS Children's Village Liechtenstein with the proceeds of CHF 800. More
– A sales campaign at the Christmas market and a food waste initiative generated an impressive CHF 2,625.85 in donations. The check was ceremoniously handed over to Maike Hilti. More
– The Kiwanis Club Liechtenstein presented a donation of CHF 3,000 to the SOS Children's Village Liechtenstein for the "Early Help" program, which supports families in need. More
– The SOS Children's Village Rafah in Gaza lies in ruins. After the ceasefire, the extent of the destruction is clear to see: homes have been razed to the ground, infrastructure is missing and the children are still dependent on urgently needed help. More
– The ceasefire brings hope, but the need remains great: children and families in the Gaza Strip continue to suffer from hunger, homelessness and trauma. SOS Children's Villages calls for long-term help to rebuild destroyed livelihoods and create prospects for the future. More
– Pupils donate CHF 500 from their salt and pepper shaker sales to the SOS Children's Village for aid in Ukraine. They proudly hand over the check to Magdalena Frommelt and Annika Willi. More
– Students from Triesen raised money for a good cause with a special event at this year's Christmas market. A symbolic check was proudly presented to Maike Hilti. More
– The international SOS campaign ‘Stomping for Peace’ was presented to the public today at the private school formatio in the presence of the member of government Dominique Hasler and together with the pupils we stomped for peace. More
– Four schools from Liechtenstein responded to the call from SOS Children's Villages and made a touching video as part of the international awareness campaign "Stomping for Peace" to stand up for the rights of children in war zones. More
– We at SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein would like to thank the visitors and all those who purchased an SOS teddy bear at our annual market stand in Eschen. More
Refreshing mocktails for a good cause: thanks to the BEVO team!
– At this year's LIHGA 2024, the BEVO Vorsorgestiftung stand was dedicated to a good cause. With refreshing mocktails, the dedicated team attracted numerous visitors who not only enjoyed the delicious non-alcoholic drinks, but also made generous donations. More
– From September 30 to October 4, our SOS trainers will once again be on the road in Liechtenstein classrooms, conducting workshops on heart education and social learning. More
1500 CHF donation to SOS Children's Village Liechtenstein
– Maike Hilti from SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein was delighted to receive a donation check for CHF 1500 from Petra Sternat and Alexander Berger from the Gorfion Familotel. Following the jointly organized charity family party, the hotel is now setting another example of its social commitment. More
– Securitas (Liechtenstein) AG and SOS-Kinderdorf (Liechtenstein) e.V. are working together to protect children. A specially designed colouring book deals with how to deal with dangerous situations in a playful and child-friendly way, and is also great fun to colour in. More
– For the third time, SOS Children's Villages and Stein Egerta Adult Education are organizing a public information event to mark International Wills Day. On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, three lectures will be held at SAL Schaan on the topics of "Communities of heirs", "How can I support social causes with my estate?" and "Subjective and objective elements of an estate valuation". More
– Together with the family hotel Gorfion, we will transform the Stubistrasse in Malbun into a place full of fun, games and entertainment for the whole family on August 31.
Join us and get ready for an unforgettable time full of fun and adventure.
https://gorfion.li/familienfest/ More
– Today we celebrate World Youth Day, a day to honor the enthusiasm and vision of our young people. You are the future and have the potential to change the world! More
– Children have the right to the best possible healthcare, clean drinking water, healthy food and a clean, safe environment. We are committed to ensuring that these rights are realized in Liechtenstein. More
– The footballs donated by Beamerfussballverein Ruggell have now found their new owners - two football-loving boys from Liechtenstein aged 7 and 11. A huge thank you to the Beamerfussballverein for this generous donation! More
– Thank you for your generous donation and the Euro Cup balls, which help to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people. As part of our commitment to social responsibility, we are committed to helping these young people. More
– The pupils put their idea into practice with great commitment. The waffle sale was a complete success and the proceeds can now support SOS Children's Villages.
We would like to thank the pupils of 3C from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you for the donation, the campaign and the commitment involved! You have shown how you can make a big difference with simple means. More
– At last year's LittleMudRun, the children's fun run of the 2023 Bank Frick LieMudRun, 504 children aged 6 to 13 had a lot of fun. The big ones and the little ones tackled a challenging course with age-appropriate obstacles and were thrilled when they reached the finish line. More
– SOS Children's Village in Rafah evacuated
In order to increase the safety of the camps, the team on site worked on marking and visibility: Banners with the logo were hung up, logos were printed on the tents. The team is working with organizations to set up an infirmary in the camps. More
– We wish everyone a Happy Pride Month! It is especially important for young people to be accepted for who they are. We would like to draw attention to the fact that all children and young people need protection from discrimination. More
– Year after year, war children and children from precarious social backgrounds are able to spend carefree summer vacations in the SOS Holiday Village Caldonazzo. Here they can simply be children together with their peers.
– Netzwerk Familie Liechtenstein is a prevention project of the Sophie von Liechtenstein Foundation and the Liechtenstein Red Cross. They support parents with children aged 0-5 in stressful life situations. More
– Thank you for your generous donation, which will help to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people. As part of our commitment to social responsibility, we are committed to helping these young people. More
– 5 years of SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein!
Your anniversary donation underlines our social commitment by helping to change a child's life for the better. Thank you! More
– In March, FC Presta organized a charity indoor soccer tournament in which 90 players from 9 teams took part. The tournament raised over CHF 1,200 for SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein. More
– Excuse me? How should we understand this? Quite simply: Customers of the pharmacy on Postplatz in Schaan (Helpers) are helping to support SOS Children's Villages (Helpers) with their purchase of Nuxe products and the associated donation to the earthquake victims in Syria.
– Telecom Liechtenstein AG is setting an example of social responsibility by making a donation of CHF 5,000.00 to SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein. More
– WOW, so much light for the benefit of disadvantaged people here in Liechtenstein! Yesterday's first national donation day in Vaduz organized by www.liacht.li was a complete success. More
– Laughing children, their mouths smeared with cake, playing and chattering with joy. Parents look at their offspring with happy eyes and also enjoy the cake. More
– "Our experience is that derailed families often can't get back on track without involving fathers," says social worker Festim Prognadi from Albania. More
– The Schellenberg carol singers went from house to house in the community on 4 and 5 January 2023 and collected for the SOS emergency aid in the Tigray region. More
– The painting shop Atelier B&B for customised interior and exterior solutions has decided to support this project with CHF 2'000 as a Christmas donation. More
– Being an SOS parent is a special profession with unique duties and challenges. While it is often described as a calling and a vocation, specialised training is a key step to becoming an SOS parent. More
– As a sponsor, you help children in crisis in a sustainable way. Because your long-term support gives children in the SOS Children's Village the chance of a good and self-determined future. Improve the lives of children forever! More
– With the SOS Heart Box, the SOS Children's Village has created a ready-made teaching and learning material for schools so that children can expand their social skills such as mindfulness, appreciation and mutual reinforcement. More
Destroyed supply systems force 500,000 people to flee
– After three years of planning and many considerations the SOS Children's Village Altmünster celebrates the ground-breaking ceremony for a large-scale village renewal. More