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Die Kunden der Apotheke am Postplatz in Schaan (Helfende) helfen mit ihrem Kauf von Nuxe-Produkten, SOS-Kinderdorf (Helfenden) und der damit verbundenen Spende zuguns-ten der Erdbebenopfer in Syrien zu helfen
When customers help helpers to help helpers

When customers help helpers to help helpers

Excuse me? How should we understand this? Quite simply: Customers of the pharmacy on Postplatz in Schaan (Helpers) are helping to support SOS Children's Villages (Helpers) with their purchase of Nuxe products and the associated donation to the earthquake victims in Syria.

Over the course of the past year, the amount of CHF 600 was raised. In the presence of Sandra Neuhaus, nuxe District Manager, owner Nikolaus Frick and employee Tamara handed this over to Markus Schaper, SOS Children's Village, in the form of a cheque.

Nikolaus Frick: "We are pleased and happy that we can help together with our customers and our Nuxe partner. We are doing well and yet, unfortunately, there are many people here and around the world who need our help and solidarity."

Employee Tamara: "Being able to help people who are not on the sunny side of life is satisfying and gives us wonderful moments. All of us in the team supported this campaign with full conviction."

And another piece of good news from Nikolaus Frick: "We will continue this campaign in 2024 for the benefit of SOS Children's Villages!"

And for that, we at SOS Children's Villages say a heartfelt-Thank you!
