Our association has been active in Liechtenstein since April 2019 and is privileged to have the patronage of I.D. Tatjana von Lattorff. We do everything we can to give children solace and immediate aid. We accompany them along their path with the relevant means and we open perspectives for the future with suitable support programmes that would not otherwise be available in many countries of the world.
SOS-Kinderdorf (Liechtenstein) e.V.
Zollstrasse 13
9494 Schaan
T +423 222 01 01
Bank details & donation account:
Account holder: SOS-Kinderdorf (Liechtenstein) e.V.
VP Bank, Vaduz
Account Nr.: 50.412.361.004
IBAN Nr. LI53 0880 5504 1236 1000 4
QR-IBAN Nr. LI9130174504123610004
Account Nr.: 50.412.361.002
IBAN Nr. LI26 0880 5504 1236 1000 5