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LieMudRun Cheque handover
LieMudRun Cheque Delivery

CHF 5’040.- fürs SOS-Kinderdorf Liechtenstein

At last year's LittleMudRun, the children's fun run of the 2023 Bank Frick LieMudRun, 504 children aged 6 to 13 had a lot of fun. The big ones and the little ones tackled a challenging course with age-appropriate obstacles and were thrilled when they reached the finish line.

504 children aged between 6 and 13 had a great time at last year's LittleMudRun, the fun run for children at the 2023 Bank Frick LieMudRun. And this joy continues, as the "Hindernislauf Liechtenstein" association donates five francs per participating child to the SOS Children's Village Liechtenstein. This amount is doubled by main sponsor Bank Frick. In total, a donation of CHF 5,040 was raised.

Like the adults, the younger participants also had to master a challenging course with age-appropriate obstacles at the LittleMudRun. And just like the adults, the joy and enthusiasm at the finish line was immense.

For the mother-child program

The generous donation will benefit the mother-child program. With this program, SOS Children's Villages helps mothers with postpartum depression. It covers the child's daily allowance costs at the clinic. "We are very happy to support this local SOS Children's Village program," says Sandra Wögerer, President of the Obstacle Course Association. "The program ensures that the child is not separated from its mother during a sensitive phase and that the mother knows her child is with her."

"We are delighted to receive this support, as the number of cases and care days is increasing significantly every year," explains Markus Schaper from SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein. "Behind these figures are the fates of mothers, children and families that we are able to help."
