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Kristina Lang (pharmacy employee), Markus Schaper (SOS Children's Village), Ula Ziet-ka (pharmacy employee), Nikolaus Frick (pharmacy owner) at the check handover in the pharmacy on Postplatz in Schaan
Check handover

1,000 francs for emergency aid - pharmacy on Postplatz shows solidarity

In 2024, the team at Apotheke am Postplatz in Schaan once again demonstrated its solidarity by donating to children in need.

Thanks to a dedicated collection campaign, a cheque for CHF 1,000 was handed over to Markus Schaper from SOS Children's Villages. Nikolaus Frick, owner of the pharmacy, emphasizes the importance of this support: "We collected with conviction and great joy. We are deeply convinced that with our solidarity we are helping those who are suffering due to war and disasters and who have to experience poverty, hardship and hopelessness."

Employee Ula Zietka expressed her enthusiasm: "It's a wonderful feeling to be able to help together and give children and young people hope and confidence."

Nikolaus Frick was particularly pleased to announce that the campaign will continue in 2025 in order to continue supporting SOS Children's Villages. The entire SOS Children's Villages team would like to express their heartfelt thanks for this valuable help.

Picture (from left to right): Kristina Lang (pharmacy employee), Markus Schaper (SOS Children's Villages), Ula Zietka (pharmacy employee), Nikolaus Frick (pharmacy owner)
