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Patrick Keller (President Beamer Football Group), Christian Frommelt (Vice President Beamer Football Group) and Virginia Biedermann from SOS Childre's Villages Liechtenstein.
Beamer soccer club - check handover

Thank you very much Beamer Football Group

Thank you for your generous donation and the Euro Cup balls, which help to improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people. As part of our commitment to social responsibility, we are committed to helping these young people.

We would like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for this incredibly generous donation.
We are looking forward to a donation of 500 CHF and two current European Championship balls. Your support will benefit children and young people who suffer from extremely difficult living conditions. With this campaign, the projector football club is once again showing its social commitment and sending a strong signal to the community.

Patrick Keller (President BFV 19319) and Christian Frommelt (Vice President BFV 19319) on the occasion of handing over the check to Virginia Biedermann from SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein.
