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volunteer work
volunteer work
Volunteering for SOS Children's Village
Support abandoned children and teenagers


There are many opportunities for volunteering at SOS Children's Villages in Vorarlberg ((Feldkirch, Bregenz, Dornbirn).

Whether you want to pursue a long-term volunteer activity or become active at SOS Children's Villages on a short-term and case-by-case basis - as an individual, in a group or as a club: Helping hands are very welcome!

Volunteering means giving your time to the children and young people at SOS Children's Villages, making a social contribution and gaining experience. Volunteering can move mountains, we are convinced of that. And volunteers are a valuable part of SOS Children's Villages. We support you in finding a suitable engagement. We need energetic help from volunteers all over Austria.

Do you play an instrument and want to pass on your knowledge? Do you want to go on an excursion with young people every weekend? Or cut their hair for free? Give them yoga lessons?
Bring in your talents and skills - the young people, who often no longer have a caregiver and still have to stand on their own two feet at a young age, will thank you for it!

What do you do as a volunteer?

Volunteer work looks diverse. Helping out at events, landscaping the garden, or reading exciting books together - often it is everyday things with which you bring joy to children and young people and support SOS Children's Villages.

Here are some ideas which are always welcome.

Professional commitment:

  • Cutting hair

  • Workshops (yoga, theatre, photography)

  • Instrumental lessons

Leisure activities with children and young people:

  • Learning/homework help (teaching German, maths, English)

  • Sports activities (e.g. ice skating, sledging afternoons, hiking)

  • Leisure activities (e.g. art and music activities)

  • Reading together and reading aloud

  • Support in entering the world of work

Help in the youth residential groups:

  • Helping to organise parties and events

  • Driving services

  • Gardening and handicraft work

  • Housekeeping