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Pride Month
Children's rights are for EVERYONE

SOS Children's Villages Liechtenstein respects uniqueness and lives diversity

We wish everyone a Happy Pride Month! It is especially important for young people to be accepted for who they are. We would like to draw attention to the fact that all children and young people need protection from discrimination.

We stand up for the right of every person to live in peace, freedom and social justice, regardless of nationality, religion, skin color, sexual orientation or gender identity. We respect the dignity and uniqueness of every person and see diversity as an enrichment. From our daily work with young people, we know that the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity are more diverse and open today than in the days of our founder. We support all young people, regardless of their identity and orientation, and help them to go their own way in a self-determined way and to live in harmony with themselves and their bodies.

Every child is entitled to all children's rights regardless of their origin, place of residence, language, religion, opinion, appearance, gender, disability, social status or the background of their parents. No child may be discriminated against for any reason.
