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Dorf- oder Projektpatenschaften von SOS-Kinderdorf.
Take action for children in need

Become a village or project sponsor

As a sponsor, you help children in crisis in a sustainable way. Because your long-term support gives children in the SOS Children's Village the chance of a good and self-determined future. Improve the lives of children forever!

With your village sponsorship you support all children in the village and contribute to health, social and educational programmes in the community.

As a village sponsor, you help us to:

  • create a caring family environment for children who cannot live with their parents

  • ensure education and training for children so they have better opportunities in life

  • ensure access to healthcare for children 

  • support communities who participate in our educational, training, healthcare and family strengthening programmes

With an educational sponsorship or a mother-child sponsorship in Liechtenstein, you support targeted educational programmes or babies of depressed mothers on a monthly basis.
